

NEW! 4-year MOMENTUM postdoctoral position (click on below image for more detailed information)


Prospective postdocs: Please contact Marc Rius with a clear idea of the research questions you are interested in and possible funding opportunities, e.g.: Marie CurieBeatriu de Pinós, Ramón y Cajal, Juan de la Cierva, ERC

PhD opportunities

Highly motived postgraduate students are encouraged to contact Marc Rius to discuss opportunities. Recently advertised PhD projects included:

Understanding variation in marine protected areas: a spatio-temporal study of species richness and oceanographic patterns across the Galápagos Islands


Using genomic data to reveal patterns of genetic diversity and connectivity in the Mediterranean Sea


The ecological and evolutionary consequences of tropicalisation


PhD funding is available via different institutions / funding bodies. Some examples include FPU, FI and INPhINIT.